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Due to increasing demand for our psychology administration services, we are unable to take on any new editing projects at this time.

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Business Editing Solutions


High quality presentations give the impression of high quality products and services and your professional image is an extremely valuable asset.

Poorly written business communications that contain errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar adversely affect the perceived value of your business and the services you provide.

Ensure you always present the best possible image with tailored editing solutions.


A comprehensive copy edit of draft documents to check sentence structure, style, tone, word choice and a careful review of your final draft for spelling, punctuation, grammar and typography.


A comprehensive review of your website content including spelling, punctuation, grammar, typography as well as design consistency.

Manuscript & Ebook Solutions


Have you finally written that masterpiece you’ve been dreaming of?

Need to get your manuscript in shape and ready for submission to publishers?

I can help with that too!


Copy editing

A comprehensive, line by line copy edit of your early draft, checking sentence structure, style, tone, word choice etc



A careful review of your final draft for spelling, punctuation, grammar and typography.

Get an Instant Quote!

How It Works

1. Choose your service

In the Instant Quote Generator, click on the type of service you need in the dropdown box.

2. Add your word count and turnaround time

Enter the number of words in your document or manuscript and the timeframe you need for completion.

3. Get an instant quote

Your instant quote will be automatically generated and if you’re happy with it, simply contact me to get started.

Admin Services

Database Maintenance

Website Projects

Why You Need a VA

Increase Productivity & Customer Response Time

Don't waste your valuable time dealing with necessary but repetitive administration tasks. Instead, concentrate on growing your business and generating revenue.

An on-site receptionist can cost upwards of $600 per week. For less than the cost of one psychology session per week, you can have your own dedicated VA focusing on your clinic and clients. 

Why You Need a VA

Increase Your Bottom Line

You don't need to provide office space, equipment or training, or worry about annual leave and sick pay. You get the services you need at a fraction of the cost of an employee.

Pay only for the work that is actually done with week to week support at a minimal cost.

Why You Need a VA


Improve Your Work/Life Balance

Take advantage of the extra time you'll have to enjoy more quality time with family and friends.

Ready to Get Started?


Want help in your business but not sure exactly what you need? No problem. Simply fill in the form below and I'll be in touch to discuss your requirements with you.

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